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Resolve ADR provides alternatives to litigation and costly court appearances for individuals and organizations facing disputes. When both parties agree to the process, the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) approach can deliver many benefits.

The ADR process itself allows both parties to participate in the process and therefore you maintain control in the decision-making. This approach can make a difference to help maintain amicable relationships and increases the likelihood of compliance with the decision.

Resolve ADR will recommend the right alternative for your situation and employ our specialized collaborative approach to facilitate discussion and help you and the other party reach a mutually agreeable solution.

Resolve Alternative Dispute Resolution


Corporate Investigations

Corporate investigation is a deep assessment conducted by a private investigator to help organizations be protected from compromised customer information, misuse or abuse of your company network, possible damaged reputation, or any liability if your company network has been used to launch an attack on other systems.


Mediation is a way for individuals involved in a lawsuit to resolve the claim outside of court.  The mediator serves as a neutral third party that facilitates an agreement that works for both parties.

Mediators do not make decisions on the matter, rather, the mediator’s job is to help facilitate the negotiation in a constructive manner.


Through a formal process, arbitration resolves disputes where opposing parties present their case to an independent arbitrator.  The arbiter hears evidence and makes a determination on the matter through a written decision.

Resolve ADR offers alternatives to dispute resolution services tailored to your specific need including; mediation, arbitration, adjudication, med-arb and impartial workplace assessments.

Alternative Dispute Resolution